Vampire Realm safe haven where lovers of all things gothic gather
Vampires Unite!
Established in 1984
Beware of Imitations!
Vampires Unite!
Established in 1984
Beware of Imitations!
The Vampire Realm quarterly newsletter consisting of member's own creations, is sent through the USPS quarterly.
We realize that in times of need, reading, writing, and creating is so important to keep the mind and soul fed.
The Vampire Realm's staff worked from home all throughout the pandemic to keep members up to date, and we thank them for their contribution to the community.
Vampire Realm employs 23 individuals worldwide, and we are proud to post that everyone kept their jobs, and all are healthy.
The Vampire Realm and our subsidiaries have supported NY Comic Con and the artists/vendors for over a decade. Many of the vendors carry merchandise from Eternal Attire Style and Vampire Realm Forever at their booths.
Purchase real tickets directly from the New York Comic Con's website here:
DISCLAIMER: Vampire Realm is not affiliated with New York Comic Con or Reed Pop.
We do have a number of vendors and exhibitors at the convention who carry our merchandise.
Browse our roster of talented artists and more who will be appearing and presenting at NYCC 2025. They offer a variety of genres and merchandise to suit any taste.
New York Comic Con 2025 is dedicated to providing the best entertainment experience for every individual. Their roster of talented artists have over a decade of experience in the entertainment industry and have worked with a variety of outlets and companies, from startups to well-known corporations. The NYCC 2025 team is committed to making your experience a memorable experience for all their attendees and vendors.
Visit their official site for genuine tickets/passes
DISCLAIMER Vampire Realm is not affiliated with Reed Pop / NYCC but believe in their events enough to share with our members and visitors.
Visit their official site for genuine tickets/passes
Official Pages
Loyalists of the Vampire Realm
International Vampire Association
The Jugular
Quarterly newsletter
(print only)
VEIN - vampire network (print only)
For Werewolf Fans:
Twitter: @WerewolvesUnite
Vampire Realm offers
three (3) tiers of membership
One (1) Year Membership
Five (5) Year Membership
Lifetime* Membership
(*Lifetime is a mortal lifetime or up to 20 years, whichever is first)
All three tiers of membership allow members to contribute creatios to The Jugular.
All three tiers receive discounts at a variety of retailers worldwide
Membership has its priviledges.
We know you are dying to join us ...
Vampire Realm posses the largest database of individuals who are eager to appear on camera, or in person, and talk about the Gothic lifestyle, the Vampire lifestyle and more.
Vampire Realm works with highly respected TV & documentary film producers
Vampire Realm also owns, Lycanthropy's Valiant Revival dedicated to all things Werewolf.
Lycanthropy's Valiant Revival can be found on social media:
Follow Vampire Realm on Facebook Follow Vampire Realm on Pinterest
Follow Vampire Realm on Instagram Follow Vampire Realm on YouTube
Follow Vampire Realm on Twitter Follow VampireRealm on DailyMotion
The Vampire Realm works with Publicists, Artists and Writers to get cool items that fans can win.
Members learn about cool contests through 'The Jugular' and on our social media pages.
Contests that are posted on Social Media require entrants to LIKE our page, and the page for the project the prize comes from. Once that is done, the entrant posts why they should win the item, and have their friends LIKE their post. The post with the most LIKEs for that item, wins. The winner is announced via email.
Know that if a link is posted on this site, the vendor has a proven history of ethical behavior and in good standing with the vampire community.
Vampire Realm is self-sustaining and none of the links on this page are paid advertisements.
If you would like your link to be considered for posting on Vampire Realm's wall, email our press department here:
Get the inside scoop on new books of fiction and non-fiction.
New books are reviewed by Vampire Realm members & staff.
To get your project posted on the site, or in the Juglar, send your information here with the word 'BOOKS' in the header.
Get the inside scoop on new films, documentaries, TV series, and shows on streaming services.
Projects are reviewed by Vampire Realm members & staff.
To get your project posted on the site, or in the Juglar, send your information here with the words 'MOVING PICTURE' in the header.
Get the inside scoop on new comics, graphic novels and games.
The latest projects are reviewed by Vampire Realm members & staff.
To get your project posted on the site, or in the Juglar, send your information here with the words 'NEW PROJECT' in the header.
Health Services
Equality in the Workforce
Arts, Culture & Humanity
Environmental Issues
Animal Protection
Why Charity?
Donating time, money, goods, services, and food are the key to keeping everyone fit and healthy; including yourself.
Research Before You Donate
If you have a cause, charity, or foundation and want Vampire Realm to list your agency in the Juglar or on, simply email our press office with the subject matter "Charity' in the header to:
Vampire Realm offers membres and non-members the chance to win some of the coolest promotional items in the industry.
LIKE Vampire Realm on social media and as we announce a chance for everyone to enter.
Based on what type of contest Vampire Realm is holding, it will be announced in The Jugluar and on social media here
Based on what type of contest Vampire Realm is holding, it will be announced in Teh Jugluar and on social media here
Follow Vampire Realm on Facebook
Follow Vampire Realm on Twitter
Follow Vampire Realm on Instagram
Follow VampireRealm on DailyMotion
Vampire Realm was the very first female owned company in the horror/comic book industry launched in 1984
Membership is International
Why is this site white, and not all black or red?
Because Vampire Realm wanted a site that was easy to read for everyone.
Why don't images move around on this site?
Because Vampire Realm wanted the site to be slick, clean and easy to read for visitors.
Why does Vampire Realm post books/films/games for minors on this site?
Because Vampire Realm wants everyone to enjoy the nocturnal creatures, not just the adults.
Not at this time. The Vampire Realm is self-sustaining. Vampire Realm is testing the option on the site only, But since 1984, there has not been paid advertising or advertorials in the newsletter.
Does Vampire Realm Newsletter have Paid Advertising?
Not at this time. The Vampire Realm is self-sustaining. Vampire Realm is testing the option on the site only, But since 1984, there has not been paid advertising or advertorials in the newslettter.
Can I work for the Vampire Realm?
Yes, if you live in a location where Vampire Realm has an office, an provided you meet the qualifications when an opening is available. Vampire Realm posts job listings in The Jugular and on our social media pages.
Do I have to be a members to work for Vampire Realm?
No, but you must posses a passion for the position that you are applying for
Vampires are eternal, as is Vampire Realm
Celebrate all things Vampire and enter our dark realm of the Vampire and take the plunge into eternal existence for what some deem as exile - rejoice, and indulge your inner flame and allow it to grow ….
Vampire Realm
178 Columbus Ave 231313 - Dept. 13
New York, NY 10023-0022
U.S. Office: 1+ 310.925.5666
* London * Berlin * Paris * Beverly Hills * New York *
Copyright © 1984 - 2025 Vampire Realm Official Site - All Rights Reserved
Vampires Unite! is a Trademark of Vampire Realm
Eternal Attire Style is a Trademark of Vampire Realm
Vampire Realm Forever is a Trademark of Vampire Realm
We know you are dying to join us ...